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Cinti Béres
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June 13, 2023

Professional work, best professionals in the country, can only recommend to anyone!

Dóra Dobronyi
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February 3, 2019

I went to them for orthodontics (Dr Tausz Dóra) for a long time, super, professional team, good memories!

Zita Varga
Offered by
May 29, 2018
Nóra Mózes
Offered by
February 2, 2018

Best dentistry in the country! with excellent professionals, modern, polite and welcoming! This is a lovely dentistry 🙂 I have been to Eszter Solymosi dental hygienist so far, my hats off to her work, I left very satisfied, she is an excellent professional!

Csilla Donkó
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December 14, 2017
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🦷🥳🫶Nagy örömmel tekintünk az új év felé, és szeretettel várjuk Önöket tudásunkkal, tapasztalatunkkal a rendelőben, az Önök szolgálatára, egészségének megőrzésére. Szokásos nyitvatartásunk változatlanul január 6-án indul, hétfőtől péntekig 9.00 órától 19.00 óráig.


Mosolyokban gazdag, szép karácsonyi ünnepeket kívánunk sok szeretettel!


Idősebb Fürstner Doktor Úrtól elbúcsúzni 2024. október 18-án, pénteken 12.30-kor fogunk az Óbudai temetőben. Rendelőnk aznap zárva tart.

9 Hozzászólások

Nagy a csend a rendelőben. Ez az a mosoly, ami mindig hiányozni fog. Szeretnénk Rá így emlékezni, arra a sok kedvességére, amit kaptunk Tőle. Ezt a rendelőt idős Doktor Úr alapította, neki köszönhetjük. Igyekszünk méltón megőrizni, amit Tőle kaptunk. De most még nagy az űr.... keressük a szavakat... Nehéz a búcsú, szinte lehetetlen.

13 Hozzászólások

A NEW CUT at our dentist's:Dear Patients!For both our dental laboratory and our dental clinic, it is time for the summer break. From August 6 to August 20, our dental clinic and laboratories will be closed. True, on August 8 we will be open for one day.You are welcome to visit us as usual from 21 August.


We are looking for a RECEPCIÓS colleague 🙂 !!!🦷🫶🥳😇❤😍🌈🍏If you like to organize - arrange - communicate (English - Hungarian), and if you like a friendly, smiling atmosphere, you would feel comfortable with us. We have a vacancy at our reception; we look forward to receiving your application: can start immediately, in a well-balanced workplace!We look forward to seeing you!Team Fürstner


🌞Summer has exploded at Fürstner Dentistry!🌴For us, coordination is not just about reliable teamwork.Our colleagues arrive at our clinic already dressed up, where we try to make our treatments for our dear patients even more pleasant with air-conditioned rooms in the summer heat 🧊🦷


𝗡𝗮𝗽𝗶 𝗙𝘂̈𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗻𝗲𝗿 𝗞𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗸𝗼𝘀Although we didn't become vets, we just brought you an interesting fact from the animal world: Did you know? The anatomy of giraffes hides many interesting facts, such as the fact that they only have lower teeth. They have no incisors in their upper jaw, instead they have a hard fibrous plate to help them tear leaves. This adaptation evolved during evolution to enable them to feed efficiently on the leaves of tall trees. And their lower incisors are sharp and strong, which help them to cut and chew leaves. Interestingly, giraffes also actively use their tongues, which can be up to 45-50 cm long, when feeding. Their tongue is a bluish-black colour that protects them from sunburn. This special tooth structure and long tongue allow giraffes to efficiently access the food they need.A set of teeth?! Hm... we specialise in two sets of teeth, but we like our giraffes with one set!


One of our favourite days: 22 April is Earth Day. We love you, Earth, we protect you!


🦷Fürstner kisokos🦷In the 1900s, the use of glass in dentistry revolutionised the industry. Glass ionomer dental fillings, first introduced in 1965, offer an excellent fit to the tooth and are biocompatible. The fluoric acids in glass ionomer fillings react with the calcium in the tooth to form a strong bond. They also have antimicrobial properties, preventing tooth decay. This innovation has rapidly spread into dental practices, facilitating dental treatments and improving patients' quality of life.Read a comprehensive article on the history and methods of glassmaking in the March 2024 issue of National Georgraphic:


We wish a Happy Easter to all our dear Patients!Eat plenty of healthy, fibrous food during the holidays. For example carrots, like the bunnies in the picture. 😍🦷🐰And we wish you peace so that every holiday can be a holiday indeed!Fuerstner Dentistry Team


May God bless Chief Physician Fürstner in love and health on the occasion of his name day!


𝑵𝒆𝒎𝒛𝒆𝒕𝒊 ü𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒑ü𝒏𝒌 𝒂𝒍𝒌𝒂𝒍𝒎á𝒃ó𝒍 𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒍ő𝒏𝒌 𝒎á𝒓𝒄𝒊𝒖𝒔 15-é𝒏, 𝒑é𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝒛á𝒓𝒗𝒂 𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕!From Monday, 18 March, we look forward to welcoming you at our usual opening hours!Fürstner Dentistry


🌸🌺🌷𝑵ő𝒏𝒂𝒑𝒊 𝒌ö𝒔𝒛ö𝒏𝒕ő🌸🌺🌷We know that most guests come to a dental appointment with fears, worries and often pain. Thanks to our female colleagues, we are able to see the results of the treatment we provide in our practice on our patients' cheerful faces every day.The smiles and warm greetings of our female colleagues, the friendly atmosphere in their presence, are reassuring, without tension, anxiety or moodiness. From the very first moment, they pay special attention to our Patients, not only professionally but also as people.On the occasion of Women's Day, we would like to welcome all our Ladies Patients, Colleagues and Followers!🌸🌺🌷Fürstner Dentistry


𝑳𝒆𝒑𝒅 𝒎𝒆𝒈 𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒌𝒂𝒕 𝑽𝒂𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏 𝒏𝒂𝒑𝒐𝒏 𝒂 𝑭𝒖̈𝒓𝒔𝒕𝒏𝒆𝒓 𝑭𝒐𝒈𝒂́𝒔𝒛𝒂𝒕 𝒂𝒋𝒂́𝒏𝒅𝒆́𝒌𝒂𝒂𝒗𝒂𝒍!❤️Két per person consultation booking, one of you will receive a free consultation for the entire month of February.🦷Discover the secret to a brilliant smile together while our professional team takes care of your health.🎁We welcome you in a comfortable environment to make your dental experience unforgettable.Our well-known, cheerful team welcomes you all!


Welcome to the new year, where ice flowers bring smiles to nature! Like at Lake Balaton, the favourite region of the Chief Doctor and the elderly Doctor Fürstner. ❄️⛵️With the new year comes a time of fresh beginnings and positive change. And we are here to make your smile shine this year! 🦷✨ We know that the new year brings new goals and challenges for all of us. Why not start the year with a healthy smile? 😄🌟As part of our New Year campaign, we're now giving extra attention to dental check-ups because we believe that a "new year, new smile start" can be within everyone's reach. Think about what a fresh, healthy smile can bring to your life! Imagine starting each day by greeting yourself in the mirror with a bright smile. We can help you achieve that goal! Join us for our New Year campaign and enjoy exclusive offers on dental check-ups and cleanings! The "New Year, New Smile Begins" starts now, and we're here to help you usher in 2024 with a healthy and happy smile!Don't miss out! Call us to book an appointment and get started on the road to your new smile. 💐✨ Your smile deserves the best, and we're here to help! 😁✨


What do we want for 2024? Wish something big, something beautiful!Health, peace, love, harmony to our dear Patients and dear Colleagues in the New Year!🥳🫶🦷


We wish you a Merry Christmas! Our clinic will be closed until January 2.Until then, we wish all our patients a relaxing and enjoyable time!


Do you know the discomfort of cold air? Cervical sensitivity often causes pain and discomfort, especially when exposed to cold air or drinks. Do not let this sensation interfere with your daily life! Contact our excellent dentists, who have extensive experience in treating cervical sensitivity and can offer you a variety of options to enjoy the joyful moments of the winter months again, pain-free!Timely dental care will help prevent symptoms from worsening and keep your teeth healthy in the long term. Don't let the cold air limit your daily activities! Contact us with confidence and experience effective treatment for cervical sensitivity so you can enjoy life with a smile again! 🤗


Our surgery will be closed on Monday 23 October, our national holiday!


They are the fish of Fürstner Dentistry. It is very important that they swim in water with the right PH! The PH of the mouth is also very important, 7.2. For example, if you put sugar in your body, it will create an acidic chemistry in the mouth, which will lead directly to the dissolution of the enamel. The prescription is simple: avoid acidic foods and brush your teeth half an hour after eating.


Dear Ladies! Pink October! Screening - screening - screening! And visit us twice a year for a dental check-up! Come on, ladies!


We are looking forward to welcoming all our patients in 2023! May it be the year of health and care! With our expertise and friendly atmosphere we will do our best to contribute to this! We wish you all a very Happy New Year!


Happy Holidays to all our Patients! This Christmas was especially important for all of us, because the father of the Chief Physician, Dr. Fürstner Sr., celebrated with us again. From 2 January, we welcome you to the practice with more new features. For example, there will be dental hygiene packages for adults and children. Happy Holidays to you all!❤️☃️😇


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Fürstner Dentistry

Cosmetic & Family DENTISTRY👨🏼‍⚕️ Fast, reliable and precise LABORATORY💧Passionate and dedicated TEAMWORK⚡️Advanced Implants🦷

🦷🥳🫶Nagy örömmel tekintünk az új év felé, és szeretettel várjuk Önöket tudásunkkal, tapasztalatunkkal a rendelőben, az Önök szolgálatára, egészségének megőrzésére. Szokásos nyitvatartásunk változatlanul január 6-án indul, hétfőtől péntekig 9.00 órától 19.00 óráig.
Mosolyokban gazdag, szép karácsonyi ünnepeket kívánunk sok szeretettel!
Idősebb Fürstner Doktor Úrtól elbúcsúzni 2024. október 18-án, pénteken 12.30-kor fogunk az Óbudai temetőben.Rendelőnk aznap zárva tart.
Nagy a csend a rendelőben.Ez az a mosoly, ami mindig hiányozni fog. Szeretnénk Rá így emlékezni, arra a sok kedvességére, amit kaptunk Tőle. Ezt a rendelőt idős Doktor Úr alapította, neki köszönhetjük. Igyekszünk méltón megőrizni, amit Tőle kaptunk. De most még nagy az űr.... keressük a szavakat... Nehéz a búcsú, szinte lehetetlen.
NEW DAYS at our dentistry:Dear Patients! From 6 August to 20 August our dental laboratory and our dental clinic will be closed.From 6 August to 20 August our dental clinic and our laboratories will be closed. True, we will be open for one day on 8 August. You are welcome to visit us as usual from 21 August.
We are looking for a RECEPTIONIST 🙂 !!!🦷🫶🥳😇❤😍🌈🍏If you like to organize - organize - communicate (English - Hungarian), and you like a friendly, smiling atmosphere, you would feel comfortable with us.We have a vacancy at our reception; we are looking forward to welcome you at jelentkezé We are looking forward to starting immediately, in a well-balanced workplace! Team Fürstner.



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